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Trending ETFs


As of 02/05/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$1.23 B





YTD Return


1 yr return


3 Yr Avg Return


5 Yr Avg Return


Net Assets

$1.23 B

Holdings in Top 10






Expense Ratio 0.64%


Front Load N/A

Deferred Load N/A


Turnover 71.00%

Redemption Fee N/A

Min Investment

Standard (Taxable)




Fund Classification

Fund Type

Open End Mutual Fund


As of 02/05/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$1.23 B




SDSYX - Profile


  • YTD Total Return 1.8%
  • 3 Yr Annualized Total Return 1.7%
  • 5 Yr Annualized Total Return 1.8%
  • Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually
  • Net Income Ratio 3.89%
  • Dividend Yield 7.4%
  • Dividend Distribution Frequency Monthly

Fund Details

  • Legal Name
    Western Asset Income Fund
  • Fund Family Name
  • Inception Date
    Nov 19, 1998
  • Shares Outstanding
  • Share Class
  • Currency
  • Domiciled Country
  • Manager
    Michael Buchanan

Fund Description

Under normal circumstances, the fund invests in a globally diverse portfolio of fixed income securities. The subadviser has broad discretion to invest in all types of fixed income securities and to allocate the fund’s assets among all segments of the global market for fixed income securities, with no specified minimum or maximum investment in any one segment, including U.S. and foreign corporate debt, including emerging market corporate debt, mortgage- and asset-backed securities, sovereign debt, including emerging market sovereign debt, and U.S. government obligations. Under normal circumstances, the fund will be invested in at least three countries (one of which may be the United States).
The fund may invest without limit in securities rated below investment grade (that is, securities rated below the Baa/BBB categories, or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable credit quality by the subadviser). Below investment grade securities are commonly referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds. The fund may invest without limit in foreign securities denominated either in U.S. dollars or foreign currencies.
The fund may invest in securities of any maturity. The maturity of a fixed income security is a measure of the time remaining until the final payment on the security is due. The dollar-weighted average effective duration of the fund’s portfolio, as estimated by the subadviser, is normally expected to be between 0 and 10 years. Effective duration seeks to measure the expected sensitivity of market price to changes in interest rates, taking into account the anticipated effects of particular features of a security (for example, some bonds can be prepaid by the issuer).
Instead of, and/or in addition to, investing directly in particular securities, the fund may use instruments such as derivatives, including options, forwards, interest rate swaps and other swaps (including buying and selling credit default swaps and options on credit default swaps), foreign currency futures, forwards and options, and futures contracts, and other synthetic instruments that are intended to provide economic exposure to the securities or the issuer or to be used as a hedging technique. The fund may use one or more types of these instruments without limit, subject to applicable regulatory requirements. For additional information regarding derivatives, see “More on the fund’s investment strategies, investments and risks—Derivatives” in the Prospectus.
The fund may also engage in a variety of transactions using derivatives in order to change the investment characteristics of its portfolio (such as shortening or lengthening duration) and for other purposes.
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SDSYX - Performance

Return Ranking - Trailing

Period SDSYX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 1.8% -1.7% 3.9% 19.38%
1 Yr 7.8% -12.9% 16.7% 32.40%
3 Yr 1.7%* -16.8% 13.8% 66.61%
5 Yr 1.8%* -15.6% 13.7% 64.17%
10 Yr 3.0%* -7.2% 7.0% 40.21%

* Annualized

Return Ranking - Calendar

Period SDSYX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 -1.8% -16.0% 6.4% 85.89%
2023 2.0% -17.6% 8.9% 63.78%
2022 -17.4% -31.8% 18.4% 86.98%
2021 -1.5% -16.2% 25.7% 50.25%
2020 -1.1% -31.1% 18.7% 71.96%

Total Return Ranking - Trailing

Period SDSYX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 1.8% -1.7% 3.9% 19.38%
1 Yr 7.8% -12.9% 16.7% 32.40%
3 Yr 1.7%* -16.8% 13.8% 66.61%
5 Yr 1.8%* -15.6% 13.7% 64.17%
10 Yr 3.0%* -7.2% 7.0% 40.21%

* Annualized

Total Return Ranking - Calendar

Period SDSYX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 6.6% -14.6% 18.6% 42.02%
2023 10.7% -10.7% 22.2% 14.40%
2022 -12.2% -31.8% 21.1% 77.94%
2021 3.3% -13.5% 49.9% 27.91%
2020 4.5% -28.6% 24.1% 59.82%

NAV & Total Return History

SDSYX - Holdings

Concentration Analysis

SDSYX Category Low Category High SDSYX % Rank
Net Assets 1.23 B 2.63 M 143 B 38.60%
Number of Holdings 706 4 9638 37.03%
Net Assets in Top 10 67.1 M -204 M 89.4 B 71.88%
Weighting of Top 10 6.81% 5.8% 265.8% 99.21%

Top 10 Holdings

  1. Inter-American Development Bank 1.08%
  2. Mexican Bonos 1.02%
  3. Mexican Bonos 0.72%
  4. CSC Holdings LLC 0.64%
  5. Occidental Petroleum Corp 0.64%
  6. Intesa Sanpaolo SpA 0.59%
  7. Berry Petroleum Co LLC 0.56%
  8. Accelerate360 Holdings LLC 0.55%
  9. NatWest Group PLC 0.54%
  10. Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC 0.48%

Asset Allocation

Weighting Return Low Return High SDSYX % Rank
93.88% 0.00% 199.60% 35.94%
5.16% -94.66% 99.97% 38.28%
Convertible Bonds
2.70% 0.00% 33.50% 32.58%
0.95% -75.22% 147.15% 65.63%
0.01% -10.16% 99.69% 65.78%
Preferred Stocks
0.00% 0.00% 21.58% 68.75%

Stock Sector Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High SDSYX % Rank
Financial Services
77.45% 0.00% 100.00% 8.72%
22.55% 0.00% 100.00% 35.76%
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 70.06%
0.00% 0.00% 28.30% 64.24%
Real Estate
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 68.31%
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 74.42%
0.00% 0.00% 18.60% 64.83%
Communication Services
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 70.06%
Consumer Defense
0.00% 0.00% 99.97% 65.70%
Consumer Cyclical
0.00% 0.00% 89.95% 70.93%
Basic Materials
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 67.44%

Stock Geographic Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High SDSYX % Rank
Non US
0.01% -0.30% 17.73% 13.91%
0.00% -10.16% 99.69% 65.94%

Bond Sector Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High SDSYX % Rank
45.72% 0.00% 96.66% 38.71%
15.28% 0.00% 99.65% 55.48%
3.99% 0.00% 99.43% 72.10%
Cash & Equivalents
0.00% 0.00% 94.89% 95.77%
0.00% 0.00% 54.26% 65.32%
-1.07% -75.22% 147.15% 94.98%

Bond Geographic Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High SDSYX % Rank
88.10% 0.00% 199.60% 33.13%
Non US
5.78% 0.00% 76.68% 37.97%

SDSYX - Expenses

Operational Fees

SDSYX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Expense Ratio 0.64% 0.03% 34.13% 88.32%
Management Fee 0.50% 0.00% 2.29% 24.96%
12b-1 Fee N/A 0.00% 1.00% 19.30%
Administrative Fee N/A 0.00% 0.70% N/A

Sales Fees

SDSYX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Front Load N/A 0.00% 5.75% N/A
Deferred Load N/A 1.00% 1.50% N/A

Trading Fees

SDSYX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Max Redemption Fee N/A 0.50% 2.00% N/A

Related Fees

Turnover provides investors a proxy for the trading fees incurred by mutual fund managers who frequently adjust position allocations. Higher turnover means higher trading fees.

SDSYX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Turnover 71.00% 0.00% 632.00% 42.83%

SDSYX - Distributions

Dividend Yield Analysis

SDSYX Category Low Category High SDSYX % Rank
Dividend Yield 7.44% 0.00% 23.30% 16.72%

Dividend Distribution Analysis

SDSYX Category Low Category High Category Mod
Dividend Distribution Frequency Monthly Annual Monthly Monthly

Net Income Ratio Analysis

SDSYX Category Low Category High SDSYX % Rank
Net Income Ratio 3.89% -1.55% 11.51% 19.37%

Capital Gain Distribution Analysis

SDSYX Category Low Category High Capital Mode
Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually Annually Annually Annually

Distributions History

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SDSYX - Fund Manager Analysis


Michael Buchanan

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Apr 16, 2007



– Western Asset Management Company, LLC – Deputy Chief Investment Officer, 2005– – Credit Suisse Asset Management – Managing Director, Head of U.S. Credit Products, 2003–2005 – Janus Capital Management – Executive Vice President, Portfolio Manager, 2003 – BlackRock Financial Management – Managing Director, Portfolio Manager, 1998–2003 – Conseco Capital Management – Vice President, Portfolio Manager, 1990–1998 – Brown University, B.A. – Chartered Financial Analyst

S. Leech

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Sep 01, 2012



– Western Asset Management Company, LLC – Chief Investment Officer, 1990– – Greenwich Capital Markets – Portfolio Manager, 1988–1990 – The First Boston Corporation – Fixed Income Manager, 1980–1988 – National Bank of Detroit – Portfolio Manager, 1977–1980 – The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, M.B.A., B.S., B.A., summa cum laude, 1972–1976

Annabel Rudebeck

Start Date


Tenure Rank

May 01, 2017



– Western Asset Management Company Limited – Head of Non-US Credit, 2016- – Rogge Global Partners – Senior Partner, Head of Global Investment Grade Credit, 2004-2016 – JP Morgan Securities – Associate, Credit Research, 1999-2003 – University of Cambridge, B.A. (Hons), M.A., Economics

Mark Lindbloom

Start Date


Tenure Rank

May 01, 2018



– Western Asset Management Company, LLC – Portfolio Manager, 2005- – Citigroup Asset Management – Portfolio Manager, 1986-2005 – Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. – Portfolio Manager, 1981-1986 – New York Life Ins. – Analyst, 1978-1980 – Pace University, M.B.A. – Rider University, B.S.

Tenure Analysis

Category Low Category High Category Average Category Mode
0.08 28.19 5.71 3.19