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All Fund Companies

This is a list of all fund companies with key data, such as total AUM, number of funds, established in and expense ratio range.

Fund Company Name Net Assets ($M USD) Oldest Fund Launched In Number of Funds Expense Ratio Range
Vanguard $11,080,481.97 1994 192 0.01% - 4.23%
Fidelity $3,398,556.17 1994 547 0.0% - 7.03%
BlackRock $3,192,266.67 1989 627 0.01% - 8.17%
Capital Group $2,608,321.96 1986 94 0.24% - 2.01%
State Street $1,376,244.76 1980 181 0.02% - 1.45%
T. Rowe Price $881,039.92 1939 189 0.05% - 16.32%
Invesco $787,178.75 1946 331 0.0% - 8.81%
J.P. Morgan $661,285.05 1994 151 0.02% - 3.59%
TIAA $650,393.77 1976 199 0.05% - 4.88%
Dimensional $549,796.50 1994 141 0.09% - 0.79%
Charles Schwab $549,203.96 1994 101 0.02% - 1.29%
Franklin Templeton $532,859.20 1994 272 0.01% - 22.29%
PIMCO $409,888.12 1994 138 0.01% - 4.75%
MFS $407,489.53 1994 92 0.37% - 12.32%
Goldman Sachs $386,876.75 1988 125 0.09% - 6.42%
John Hancock $260,354.44 1985 170 0.3% - 9.4%
Dodge & Cox $252,196.38 1994 7 0.41% - 1.08%
Ameriprise Financial $205,519.98 1970 111 0.15% - 21.8%
American Century $204,123.79 1971 142 0.15% - 2.53%
Principal $198,293.66 1994 89 0.05% - 187.26%

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