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As of 02/07/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$1.23 B





YTD Return


1 yr return


3 Yr Avg Return


5 Yr Avg Return


Net Assets

$1.23 B

Holdings in Top 10






Expense Ratio 0.63%


Front Load N/A

Deferred Load N/A


Turnover 21.00%

Redemption Fee N/A

Min Investment

Standard (Taxable)




Fund Classification

Fund Type

Open End Mutual Fund


As of 02/07/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$1.23 B




BOSVX - Profile


  • YTD Total Return 0.7%
  • 3 Yr Annualized Total Return 6.0%
  • 5 Yr Annualized Total Return 13.1%
  • Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually
  • Net Income Ratio 1.29%
  • Dividend Yield 1.8%
  • Dividend Distribution Frequency Annual

Fund Details

  • Legal Name
    Omni Small-Cap Value Fund
  • Fund Family Name
  • Inception Date
    Aug 31, 2011
  • Shares Outstanding
  • Share Class
  • Currency
  • Domiciled Country
  • Manager
    John Montgomery

Fund Description

The Fund invests in a broad and diverse group of small-cap stocks that the Adviser determines to be value stocks. Value stocks are those the Adviser determines are priced cheaply relative to some financial measures of worth (“value measures”), such as the ratio of price to book, price to earnings, price to sales, or price to cash flow. Small-cap securities are selected by relative ranking on value measures to establish a broad and diverse portfolio, as determined by the Adviser’s statistical, evidence-based approach. The Adviser’s statistical, evidence-based approach is derived from research and academic theory using market and financial data from multiple decades to identify the types of securities and portfolio construction rules that the Adviser expects to generate higher returns relative to the overall US equity market over the long-term. The Adviser uses a market capitalization approach to weight the securities in the Fund’s portfolio subject to risk constraints. This means that a security’s weight in the Fund’s portfolio at the time of purchase is roughly proportional to its market capitalization relative to the other securities in the portfolio. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests 80% of its net assets (plus borrowings for investment purposes) in equity or equity-related securities (“common stocks”) of small-cap companies at the time of purchase. For purposes of the Fund’s investments, the Adviser considers small-cap stocks to be those of companies that have a market capitalization generally in the lowest 10% of total market capitalization or smaller than the 1,000th largest US company, whichever results in the higher market capitalization break. As of June 30, 2024, the stocks in this group had a market capitalization of less than $10.8 billion. This dollar amount will change with market
conditions. The Fund primarily invests in small-cap stocks that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the NYSE American, and Nasdaq.
The Adviser’s investment process incorporates material environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) information, when available, as a consideration in the ongoing assessment of potential portfolio securities. The Adviser uses ESG research and/or ratings information provided by third parties in performing this analysis and considering ESG risks. As with any consideration used in assessing portfolio securities, the Adviser may, at times, utilize ESG information to increase the weighting of an issuer with a good ESG record or decrease the weighting of an issuer with a poor ESG record. However, as ESG information is just one investment consideration, ESG considerations are not solely determinative in any investment decision made by the Adviser.
The Adviser will not necessarily sell a stock if it “migrates” to a different market capitalization category after purchase. As a result, due to such “migration” or other market movements, the Fund may have less than 80% of its assets in small-cap stocks at any point in time.
Use of the term “omni” in the name refers to the fact that the Fund intends to invest in a broad and diverse group of small-cap value stocks that approximately reflect the risk and return of all small-cap value stocks as a whole.
Although the Fund seeks investments across a number of sectors, from time to time, based on economic conditions and portfolio positioning to reflect a profile of a universe of stocks, the Fund may have significant positions in particular sectors.
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BOSVX - Performance

Return Ranking - Trailing

Period BOSVX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 0.7% -2.5% 5.7% 89.18%
1 Yr 10.0% -7.3% 32.8% 88.70%
3 Yr 6.0%* -6.7% 74.8% 48.40%
5 Yr 13.1%* -3.9% 52.2% 12.73%
10 Yr 7.9%* -1.7% 27.8% 38.08%

* Annualized

Return Ranking - Calendar

Period BOSVX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 -4.5% -39.7% 22.5% 81.82%
2023 8.1% -6.0% 33.6% 65.95%
2022 -21.3% -33.6% 212.9% 80.64%
2021 41.9% -62.0% 147.6% 3.04%
2020 -0.4% -24.8% 31.3% 66.67%

Total Return Ranking - Trailing

Period BOSVX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 0.7% -2.5% 5.7% 89.18%
1 Yr 10.0% -7.3% 32.8% 88.70%
3 Yr 6.0%* -6.7% 74.8% 48.40%
5 Yr 13.1%* -3.9% 52.2% 12.73%
10 Yr 7.9%* -1.7% 27.8% 38.08%

* Annualized

Total Return Ranking - Calendar

Period BOSVX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 4.2% -9.0% 26.1% 88.52%
2023 17.8% 1.8% 35.4% 30.22%
2022 -3.9% -25.2% 250.0% 10.54%
2021 41.9% -3.0% 157.9% 4.81%
2020 0.8% -13.5% 33.4% 69.25%

NAV & Total Return History

BOSVX - Holdings

Concentration Analysis

BOSVX Category Low Category High BOSVX % Rank
Net Assets 1.23 B 3.29 M 63 B 30.86%
Number of Holdings 568 10 1568 7.42%
Net Assets in Top 10 116 M 279 K 3.62 B 40.19%
Weighting of Top 10 9.14% 5.2% 92.1% 93.05%

Top 10 Holdings

  2. SkyWest Inc 1.07%
  3. Patrick Industries Inc 1.01%
  4. M/I Homes Inc 1.01%
  5. Newmark Group Inc 0.86%
  6. Masterbrand Inc 0.83%
  7. Telephone and Data Systems Inc 0.83%
  8. Vista Outdoor Inc 0.82%
  9. SiriusPoint Ltd 0.79%
  10. Teekay Tankers Ltd 0.77%

Asset Allocation

Weighting Return Low Return High BOSVX % Rank
99.79% 6.25% 105.02% 8.37%
1.15% 0.00% 37.64% 61.24%
Preferred Stocks
0.00% 0.00% 1.05% 4.55%
0.00% -1.07% 38.91% 73.68%
Convertible Bonds
0.00% 0.00% 2.63% 69.66%
0.00% 0.00% 90.12% 70.10%

Stock Sector Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High BOSVX % Rank
Financial Services
32.84% 0.00% 35.71% 3.68%
18.28% 0.00% 29.42% 3.43%
15.34% 0.65% 48.61% 66.67%
Consumer Cyclical
11.80% 0.35% 51.62% 47.06%
Basic Materials
7.04% 0.00% 67.30% 19.36%
4.76% 0.00% 27.23% 93.63%
Consumer Defense
4.73% 0.00% 13.22% 34.31%
Communication Services
3.36% 0.00% 17.58% 28.92%
1.29% 0.00% 25.76% 97.30%
Real Estate
0.56% 0.00% 44.41% 93.87%
0.00% 0.00% 13.86% 93.63%

Stock Geographic Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High BOSVX % Rank
99.79% 6.25% 105.02% 8.37%
Non US
0.00% 0.00% 77.52% 76.56%

BOSVX - Expenses

Operational Fees

BOSVX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Expense Ratio 0.63% 0.03% 34.41% 92.34%
Management Fee 0.45% 0.00% 1.50% 7.67%
12b-1 Fee N/A 0.00% 1.00% N/A
Administrative Fee N/A 0.01% 0.35% N/A

Sales Fees

BOSVX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Front Load N/A 3.50% 5.75% N/A
Deferred Load N/A 1.00% 4.00% N/A

Trading Fees

BOSVX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Max Redemption Fee N/A 0.50% 2.00% N/A

Related Fees

Turnover provides investors a proxy for the trading fees incurred by mutual fund managers who frequently adjust position allocations. Higher turnover means higher trading fees.

BOSVX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Turnover 21.00% 7.00% 252.00% 9.32%

BOSVX - Distributions

Dividend Yield Analysis

BOSVX Category Low Category High BOSVX % Rank
Dividend Yield 1.81% 0.00% 14.14% 6.70%

Dividend Distribution Analysis

BOSVX Category Low Category High Category Mod
Dividend Distribution Frequency Annual Annual Quarterly Annual

Net Income Ratio Analysis

BOSVX Category Low Category High BOSVX % Rank
Net Income Ratio 1.29% -1.43% 4.13% 9.31%

Capital Gain Distribution Analysis

BOSVX Category Low Category High Capital Mode
Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually Annually Annually Annually

Distributions History

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BOSVX - Fund Manager Analysis


John Montgomery

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Aug 31, 2011



John, CIO and President,founded Bridgeway in 1993.He worked with computer modeling and quantitative methods as a research engineer at MIT in the late 1970s. Later, as a student at Harvard, he investigated methods to apply modeling to portfolio management. He began applying these methods to his investments in 1985. Over the next 6 years, this style proved more successful than even John had expected. He left his full-time position in the transportation industry at the end of 1991 to perform full-time research on his models, study the mutual fund industry, and write a business plan for Bridgeway.

Christine Wang

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Aug 31, 2011



Christine L. Wang, CFA, CPA is a portfolio manager and began working at Bridgeway in 2008. Her responsibilities include portfolio management, investment research, and statistical modeling. Christine holds a MS in Accounting from the University of Virginia and BA in Sociology and Managerial Studies from Rice University. Christine is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in the state of Texas. Prior to joining Bridgeway, Christine worked in public accounting with a focus on energy trading and risk management from 2004 to 2008.

Elena Khoziaeva

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Jun 01, 2013



Elena Khoziaeva, CFA, is a portfolio manager and began working at Bridgeway in 1998. Her responsibilities include portfolio management, investment research, and statistical modeling. Elena earned a Bachelor of Economic Sciences from Belarussian State Economic University in Minsk and graduated with highest honors from the University of Houston with an MBA in Accounting.

Michael Whipple

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Jun 01, 2013



Mike Whipple, CFA, FRM, is a portfolio manager and began working for Bridgeway in 2002. His responsibilities include portfolio management, investment research, and statistical modeling. He holds a BS in Accountancy and Finance from Miami University in Ohio. Michael worked in public accounting with a focus in auditing from 1993 to 2000 before attending the University of Chicago Booth School of Business from 2000 to 2002, where he earned his MBA.

Tenure Analysis

Category Low Category High Category Average Category Mode
0.08 37.45 8.23 3.58