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Trending ETFs


As of 02/07/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.


USCF Dividend Income Fund

UDI | Active ETF


$3.92 M





YTD Return


1 yr return


3 Yr Avg Return


5 Yr Avg Return


Net Assets

$3.92 M

Holdings in Top 10






Expense Ratio 0.65%


Front Load N/A

Deferred Load N/A


Turnover N/A

Redemption Fee N/A

Min Investment

Standard (Taxable)




Fund Classification

Fund Type

Exchange Traded Fund


As of 02/07/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.


USCF Dividend Income Fund

UDI | Active ETF


$3.92 M




UDI - Profile


  • YTD Total Return 4.2%
  • 3 Yr Annualized Total Return N/A
  • 5 Yr Annualized Total Return N/A
  • Capital Gain Distribution Frequency N/A
  • Net Income Ratio N/A
  • Dividend Yield 4.2%
  • Dividend Distribution Frequency Monthly

Fund Details

  • Legal Name
    USCF Dividend Income Fund
  • Fund Family Name
  • Inception Date
    Jun 08, 2022
  • Shares Outstanding
  • Share Class
  • Currency
  • Domiciled Country

Fund Description

The Fund is an actively managed exchange-traded fund (“ETF”). The Fund seeks a high level of current income and, as a secondary objective, growth of income, by investing in U.S. exchange-traded dividend-paying and dividend-growth companies that meet the Fund’s environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) criteria. The Fund may also invest in U.S. exchange-traded equity securities of issuers domiciled outside the U.S., including American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”). The Fund may also invest in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”), with a typical sector limit of 25% or two times the weight in the Russell 1000 Value Index, whichever is greater. The Fund invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in dividend-paying equity securities and in other instruments that have economic characteristics similar to such securities.

Miller/Howard Investments, Inc. (the “Sub-Adviser”), serves as the Fund’s sub-adviser and manages the Fund’s investments. The Fund primarily utilizes a bottom-up fundamental research process to evaluate companies, and uses quantitative research to identify and compare potential candidates for further fundamental review. Fundamental research is based on reviewing primary source documents, such as SEC filings, company presentations, meetings with management, industry conferences, and engagement with industry experts and analysts as well as third-party research.

The Fund assesses companies based on a number of key metrics, including dividend yield, prospects for dividend growth, balance sheet strength, dividend coverage, and low valuations. In evaluating potential portfolio companies for investment, the Fund will consider the company’s liquidity (generally selecting companies with average daily trading value greater than $30 million) and market capitalization (generally selecting companies with market capitalization greater than $4 billion). The Fund will also consider the company’s ownership, public float, and corporate structure, and the company’s financial characteristics, business model, valuation, and management and board members. To be considered as potential Fund investments, such companies will typically meet the Fund’s criteria of persistent cash flow generation and have management teams with a consistent track record of efficient capital allocation, including a strong commitment to pay and grow the dividend.

As an integral part of its process to evaluate potential portfolio companies, the Fund conducts an ESG assessment. The Fund will first screen out companies based on certain objective ESG characteristics. Such screening criteria eliminates: (i) companies that extract coal; (ii) companies that derive greater than 10% of revenue from production of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms; and (iii) companies that provide parts or services that are tailor-made and necessary for the lethal function of controversial weapons. The Fund uses audited reports and other publicly available information in order to determine whether a company should be screened out of the Fund’s investable universe.

In addition to the companies eliminated by the screening process, the Fund seeks to eliminate, based on its own assessment, companies that have demonstrated a history of weak governance or repeated failures to prevent or mitigate ESG risks. The Fund evaluates a company’s performance relative to peers on environmental or social indicators. Examples of such ESG key performance indicators include the frequency and scope of its ESG disclosures, human rights record and policies, and corporate board structure. More specifically, the Fund’s ESG assessments focus on the following criteria:

· Governance and Ethics. The Fund believes that oversight of management is a board’s responsibility, and further, that oversight of the board is an investor right and responsibility. As such, the Fund considers the structure of a company’s board and whether it has an independent chair, the extent to which the company is controlled by insiders and family members, and the responsiveness of the board to investor votes. The Fund also considers the strength and vision of a company’s leaders and the company’s strategy and vision.
· Environmental Record. The Fund seeks to invest in companies that aim to minimize and mitigate the negative impacts of their operations on the environment. In assessing a company, the Fund considers a company’s strategy regarding natural resources and the planet, and how it mitigates any unintentional or unavoidable environmental harms caused by its operations.
· Human Rights. The Fund favors companies that have human rights policies, practices, and due diligence processes that are grounded in international norms, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
· Diversity. The Fund reviews each company for certain indicators, including the racial, ethnic, and gender composition of its Board, management, and workforce, to reveal areas where human capital management is lagging, recruitment is failing to capture the range of expertise and suitable candidates available, where homogeneity might be creating narrowness of perspectives and/or confirmation bias, and where a company’s competitive advantage may be at risk.

In completing its ESG assessments, the Fund does not rely on any one source of information, but rather collects information from multiple sources including a company’s audited reports and other publicly available information (such as sustainability reports and voluntary ESG disclosures); third-party ESG research and ratings from ESG data providers; non-profit benchmark reports, research, and analysis; media reports; and discussions with company management.

The Sub-Adviser then constructs the Fund’s portfolio from the investable universe by taking into consideration both the financial and ESG profile of each candidate, equally. The Fund is not required to invest in any specific number of companies, but will typically invest in approximately thirty to forty-five companies, each of which meet the Fund’s financial and ESG criteria.

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UDI - Performance

Return Ranking - Trailing

Period UDI Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 4.2% -21.2% 27.4% N/A
1 Yr 21.5% -61.1% 51.5% N/A
3 Yr N/A* -22.7% 64.3% N/A
5 Yr N/A* -17.2% 29.8% N/A
10 Yr N/A* -16.4% 14.3% N/A

* Annualized

Return Ranking - Calendar

Period UDI Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 11.0% -65.1% 38.0% N/A
2023 3.5% -25.3% 29.0% N/A
2022 N/A -8.4% 56.7% N/A
2021 N/A -24.3% 10.4% N/A
2020 N/A -9.4% 21.9% N/A

Total Return Ranking - Trailing

Period UDI Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 4.2% -21.2% 27.4% N/A
1 Yr 21.5% -61.1% 61.5% N/A
3 Yr N/A* -22.7% 64.3% N/A
5 Yr N/A* -16.2% 32.9% N/A
10 Yr N/A* -3.7% 21.1% N/A

* Annualized

Total Return Ranking - Calendar

Period UDI Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 17.1% -65.1% 38.0% N/A
2023 6.4% -25.3% 29.0% N/A
2022 N/A -8.4% 56.7% N/A
2021 N/A -24.3% 10.4% N/A
2020 N/A -8.9% 21.9% N/A

UDI - Holdings

Concentration Analysis

UDI Category Low Category High UDI % Rank
Net Assets 3.92 M 390 K 151 B N/A
Number of Holdings 36 2 1727 N/A
Net Assets in Top 10 4.09 M 2.1 K 32.3 B N/A
Weighting of Top 10 42.07% 5.0% 99.2% N/A

Top 10 Holdings

  1. Coca-Cola Co/The 4.54%
  2. Jefferies Financial Group Inc 4.48%
  3. Gilead Sciences Inc 4.38%
  4. Johnson Johnson 4.33%
  5. Old Republic International Corp 4.22%
  6. Paychex Inc 4.19%
  7. AbbVie Inc 4.13%
  8. Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The 4.05%
  9. Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The 3.96%
  10. Medtronic PLC 3.78%

Asset Allocation

Weighting Return Low Return High UDI % Rank
97.49% 28.02% 125.26% N/A
2.59% -88.20% 71.98% N/A
Preferred Stocks
0.00% 0.00% 19.30% N/A
0.00% -2.02% 26.80% N/A
Convertible Bonds
0.00% 0.00% 3.66% N/A
0.00% 0.00% 80.18% N/A

Stock Sector Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High UDI % Rank
0.00% 0.00% 27.04% N/A
0.00% 0.00% 54.02% N/A
Real Estate
0.00% 0.00% 90.54% N/A
0.00% 0.00% 42.76% N/A
0.00% 0.00% 30.77% N/A
Financial Services
0.00% 0.00% 58.05% N/A
0.00% 0.00% 54.00% N/A
Communication Services
0.00% 0.00% 26.58% N/A
Consumer Defense
0.00% 0.00% 34.10% N/A
Consumer Cyclical
0.00% 0.00% 22.74% N/A
Basic Materials
0.00% 0.00% 21.69% N/A

Stock Geographic Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High UDI % Rank
97.49% 24.51% 121.23% N/A
Non US
0.00% 0.00% 45.02% N/A

UDI - Expenses

Operational Fees

UDI Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Expense Ratio 0.65% 0.01% 4.02% 69.92%
Management Fee 0.65% 0.00% 1.50% 67.09%
12b-1 Fee N/A 0.00% 1.00% N/A
Administrative Fee N/A 0.01% 0.50% N/A

Sales Fees

UDI Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Front Load N/A 0.00% 5.75% N/A
Deferred Load N/A 0.95% 5.00% N/A

Trading Fees

UDI Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Max Redemption Fee N/A 1.00% 2.00% N/A

Related Fees

Turnover provides investors a proxy for the trading fees incurred by mutual fund managers who frequently adjust position allocations. Higher turnover means higher trading fees.

UDI Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Turnover N/A 0.00% 488.00% N/A

UDI - Distributions

Dividend Yield Analysis

UDI Category Low Category High UDI % Rank
Dividend Yield 4.24% 0.00% 42.27% 83.63%

Dividend Distribution Analysis

UDI Category Low Category High Category Mod
Dividend Distribution Frequency Monthly Annually Quarterly Annually

Net Income Ratio Analysis

UDI Category Low Category High UDI % Rank
Net Income Ratio N/A -1.51% 4.28% N/A

Capital Gain Distribution Analysis

UDI Category Low Category High Capital Mode
Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually Quarterly Annually

Distributions History

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UDI - Fund Manager Analysis

Tenure Analysis

Category Low Category High Category Average Category Mode
0.09 86.59 7.9 16.42