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As of 02/05/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$419 M





YTD Return


1 yr return


3 Yr Avg Return


5 Yr Avg Return


Net Assets

$419 M

Holdings in Top 10






Expense Ratio 1.33%


Front Load N/A

Deferred Load N/A


Turnover 115.00%

Redemption Fee N/A

Min Investment

Standard (Taxable)




Fund Classification

Fund Type

Open End Mutual Fund


As of 02/05/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$419 M




SLARX - Profile


  • YTD Total Return 11.1%
  • 3 Yr Annualized Total Return 2.3%
  • 5 Yr Annualized Total Return -2.0%
  • Capital Gain Distribution Frequency N/A
  • Net Income Ratio 3.40%
  • Dividend Yield 0.2%
  • Dividend Distribution Frequency Annual

Fund Details

  • Legal Name
    DWS Latin America Equity Fund
  • Fund Family Name
    DWS Funds
  • Inception Date
    Feb 02, 2015
  • Shares Outstanding
  • Share Class
  • Currency
  • Domiciled Country
  • Manager
    William Piper

Fund Description

Main investments. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in Latin American common stocks and other equities (equities that are traded mainly on Latin American markets, issued or guaranteed by a Latin American government or issued by a company organized under the laws of a Latin American country or any company with more than half of its business in Latin America). The fund defines Latin America as Mexico, Central America, South America and the Spanish-speaking islands of the Caribbean.Although the fund may invest in any Latin American country, it expects to invest primarily in common stocks of established companies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Peru.The fund may invest up to 20% of net assets in the equity securities of US and other non-Latin American issuers and in debt securities including junk bonds (grade BB/Ba and below). The fund may also invest as much as 10% of net assets in debt securities rated B or lower.Management process. In choosing securities, portfolio management uses a combination of three analytical disciplines:Bottom-up research. Portfolio management looks for individual companies that it believes have a history of above-average growth, strong competitive positioning, attractive prices relative to potential growth, sound financial strength and effective management, among other factors.Growth orientation. Portfolio management generally looks for companies that it believes have above-average potential for sustainable growth of revenue or earnings and whose market value appears reasonable in light of their business prospects.Analysis of regional themes. Portfolio management looks for significant social, economic, industrial and demographic changes, seeking to identify stocks that may benefit from them.Portfolio management may consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, that it believes to be financially material, in its fundamental research process and when making investment decisions. In evaluating ESG issues, portfolio management refers to internal and external ESG research.Securities lending. The fund may lend securities (up to one-third of total assets) to approved institutions, such as registered broker-dealers, pooled investment vehicles, banks and other financial institutions. In connection with such loans, the fund receives liquid collateral in an amount that is based on the type and value of the securities being lent, with riskier securities generally requiring higher levels of collateral.
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SLARX - Performance

Return Ranking - Trailing

Period SLARX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 11.1% 7.3% 13.7% 26.67%
1 Yr -16.7% -20.7% -6.7% 66.67%
3 Yr 2.3%* -6.1% 4.7% 46.67%
5 Yr -2.0%* -10.3% 0.0% 42.86%
10 Yr 4.4%* 1.7% 4.3% 10.00%

* Annualized

Return Ranking - Calendar

Period SLARX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 -31.9% -38.6% -18.0% 80.00%
2023 29.1% 16.7% 31.7% 46.67%
2022 0.9% -15.0% 1.0% 20.00%
2021 -20.6% -24.3% -7.1% 57.14%
2020 1.0% -22.4% 1.0% 7.14%

Total Return Ranking - Trailing

Period SLARX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 11.1% 7.3% 13.7% 26.67%
1 Yr -16.7% -20.7% -6.7% 66.67%
3 Yr 2.3%* -6.1% 4.7% 46.67%
5 Yr -2.0%* -10.3% 0.0% 42.86%
10 Yr 4.4%* 1.7% 4.3% 10.00%

* Annualized

Total Return Ranking - Calendar

Period SLARX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 -28.3% -36.0% -15.9% 73.33%
2023 33.8% 28.3% 36.6% 33.33%
2022 8.4% -11.1% 12.4% 26.67%
2021 -20.6% -21.1% -1.5% 85.71%
2020 1.0% -20.9% 1.0% 7.14%

NAV & Total Return History

SLARX - Holdings

Concentration Analysis

SLARX Category Low Category High SLARX % Rank
Net Assets 419 M 5.53 M 3.47 B 53.33%
Number of Holdings 70 44 147 40.00%
Net Assets in Top 10 82.5 M 2.15 M 2.3 B 60.00%
Weighting of Top 10 31.26% 31.3% 56.7% 93.33%

Top 10 Holdings

  1. Credicorp Ltd 3.58%
  2. Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA 3.56%
  3. Rumo SA 3.31%
  4. Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo SABESP 3.28%
  5. America Movil SAB de CV 3.13%
  6. Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV 3.01%
  7. PRIO SA/Brazil 3.00%
  8. Itau Unibanco Holding SA 2.88%
  9. Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV 2.83%
  10. Localiza Rent a Car SA 2.70%

Asset Allocation

Weighting Return Low Return High SLARX % Rank
86.24% 69.19% 96.39% 33.33%
Preferred Stocks
10.26% 0.00% 28.32% 80.00%
3.50% 0.94% 9.18% 46.67%
0.00% -0.04% 0.11% 53.33%
Convertible Bonds
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 46.67%
0.00% 0.00% 4.41% 46.67%

Stock Sector Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High SLARX % Rank
Financial Services
23.16% 7.53% 35.31% 73.33%
Basic Materials
21.33% 6.29% 30.27% 60.00%
15.91% 2.78% 17.03% 26.67%
9.64% 3.95% 17.38% 53.33%
Consumer Cyclical
8.20% 2.93% 17.90% 53.33%
Consumer Defense
6.76% 6.76% 16.72% 93.33%
4.46% 0.00% 5.06% 40.00%
Real Estate
3.33% 0.00% 6.78% 26.67%
2.94% 1.37% 7.43% 60.00%
2.38% 0.56% 24.83% 60.00%
Communication Services
1.89% 0.31% 7.08% 60.00%

Stock Geographic Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High SLARX % Rank
Non US
61.03% 42.25% 84.58% 60.00%
25.21% 0.00% 54.15% 53.33%

SLARX - Expenses

Operational Fees

SLARX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Expense Ratio 1.33% 0.19% 2.76% 33.33%
Management Fee 1.00% 0.19% 1.10% 66.67%
12b-1 Fee N/A 0.00% 1.00% N/A
Administrative Fee 0.10% 0.08% 0.15% 66.67%

Sales Fees

SLARX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Front Load N/A 5.00% 5.75% N/A
Deferred Load N/A 1.00% 1.00% N/A

Trading Fees

SLARX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Max Redemption Fee N/A 2.00% 2.00% 41.67%

Related Fees

Turnover provides investors a proxy for the trading fees incurred by mutual fund managers who frequently adjust position allocations. Higher turnover means higher trading fees.

SLARX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Turnover 115.00% 17.00% 115.00% 92.31%

SLARX - Distributions

Dividend Yield Analysis

SLARX Category Low Category High SLARX % Rank
Dividend Yield 0.20% 2.54% 9.47% 60.00%

Dividend Distribution Analysis

SLARX Category Low Category High Category Mod
Dividend Distribution Frequency Annual Annual Quarterly SemiAnnual

Net Income Ratio Analysis

SLARX Category Low Category High SLARX % Rank
Net Income Ratio 3.40% 1.18% 8.87% 46.67%

Capital Gain Distribution Analysis

SLARX Category Low Category High Capital Mode
Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually Annually Annually

Distributions History

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SLARX - Fund Manager Analysis


William Piper

Start Date


Tenure Rank

May 15, 2020



Scott Piper. Chief Investment Officer, Itaú USA Asset Management, Inc. (New York). Joined Itaú USA Asset Management, Inc. in 2011. Prior to joining Itaú USA Asset Management, Inc., he worked for eight years at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, where he was a member of the Emerging Markets Group and Co-Portfolio Manager in Latin American assets. Prior to this, he was a Portfolio Manager at Deltec Asset Management managing both Latin American and Emerging Markets portfolios. BA, Tulane University; MBA, IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain.

Tenure Analysis

Category Low Category High Category Average Category Mode
2.04 8.17 4.49 2.04